¿Sinowon proporciona servicio OEM?
OEM is short for original equipment manufacturer, which refers specifically to the act of a company branding a product to its own name and offering its own warranty, support and licensing of the product. With professional staff and strict production process, the OEM offered by us has gained more and more recognition from customers at home and abroad.
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Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. has built up a good reputation in the domestic market. We are take pride in the developing and producing of mobile hardness tester. The material testing equipment is one of the main products of Sinowon. Sinowon automated inspection equipment is elaborately manufactured. The fabric patterning, sewing and cutting crews utilize the most advanced computer controlled cutting technology available which provides precision load analysis and tight tolerance. Its packing is made seriously to guarantee the safety during shipment. The quality assurance of Sinowon is strictly carried out. The product is highly praised in many exhibitions such as Shanghai Electronica China Show.
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We want to have satisfied customers who trust our products for a long time. We know that the image and the name of a brand acquire the real value only at the moment when good work can be seen behind them. Get info!

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