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Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. accepts payment by international wire transfers (T/T), letters of credit (L/C), Paypal, Western Union, credit card. But what is the best way to pay? T/T is the most common payment method, but you will bear the cost of the foreign exchange transaction. L/C is the safest payment method, but it is a quite expensive option. We accept it only for very large transactions. Paypal is more suitable for small transactions, such as sample fees, sample freight, and small orders. For small and medium orders, Western Union and credit cards are recommended.
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Sinowon has attained dominant position for its excellent Video Microscope and professional service. We will show you the Videoscope series that is most popular with customers. Sinowon olympus iplex is manufactured through a closely controlled chemical combination. The raw materials are processed at high temperatures to achieve great chemical properties such as anti-rust and anti-corrosion. The product is designed by professional designers to be user-friendly. The design and process ensure that the product is durable, new and beautiful. The product is well used in many large engineering projects. It is soft, very durable and naturally antibacterial. The product is well used in many large engineering projects.
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Sinowon insists that quality is more important than productivity. Inquiry!

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