¿Sinowon proporciona servicio ODM?
Yes. Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. is proud of being a professional ODM service provider. We are staffed with bold and innovative designers including web designers, and graphic designers. They are proficient in different types of graphics software including Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. It is their creative design works that contribute to our competitiveness in product appearance. In most cases, they are active in putting forward their suggestions on the design of the ODM products. In addition, we are equipped with advanced machines and have mastered updated technologies to achieve a high-precision manufacturing process.
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Over the years, Sinowon, backed up by extensive industry experience, has gained a reputation for providing high quality vision measurement system. The stereoscopic microscope is one of the main products of Sinowon. Sinowon tensile strength machine is under constant quality control. The quality inspection includes several parts: its pool cleaning capacity, compatibility with the water, and its color retention performance. The product is verified by ISO9001:2015 to be quality ensured. Excellent service team is also a guarantee for customers to better enjoy the hardness tester shopping experience. Imported materials and accessories are used in product manufacturing.
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We assert both professional and ethical approach, coming from corporate values such as team cooperation, reliability, high quality, long-term cooperation, social responsibility, and sustainability. Ask!

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