¿Hay algún tercero que realice la prueba de calidad de equipos metalográficos usados?
In order to confirm that our data on used metallographic equipment is reliable, we turn into third-party product testing. For Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited., third-party certification is beneficial for controlling product quality and establishing a brand image as well as decreasing costs and improving efficiency. This valuable endorsement for the product performance has to give our customers additional satisfaction that the products are rigorously tested to industry standards.
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The notability of Sinowon has been rapidly increasing. Sinowon has created a number of successful series, and metallurgical equipment is one of them. The product is not likely to cause injury. All its components and the body have been sanded properly to round all sharp edges or eliminate any burrs. The product is CE certified for the European market. Sinowon establishes a mutually beneficial cooperation relationship based on the principle of good faith. It has been marketed successfully for 12 years, thanks to the excellence in quality and technology.
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Leading the way is important to us. We will continually develop new and more specialized products and creates innovative ways to enhance our existing lines.

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