¿Alguna información técnica adicional sobre Sinowon?
Some basic specifications about Sinowon Innovation Metrology Manufacture Limited. can be found on the "Product Page" of our official website. In terms of the product information including sizes, colors, shapes, and the introduction of basic raw materials, all these information are clearly listed on the website. We also keep the technical information recorded in the PDF, which is safer to store. If you are looking into more detailed technical information, such as the process craftsmanship and technologies, we warmly welcome you to come over to us, which is a more intuitive way.
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In the past years, Sinowon has developed from a small manufacturer of digital linear measuring scale to a global and diversified provider in the industry. Various in styles, Sinowon's portable hardness tester can meet the needs of different customers. Sinowon visual inspection system is of sustainable design. Its structures contribute to Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) credits in categories such as: daylighting, innovative design, and reduced and recyclable material usage. A quality control system is implemented for the product. Good quality after-sales service is also an attraction for customers to trust our company. The product can be controlled in a motorized way, to eliminate errors caused by manual operation.
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Our role in society goes beyond supplying services and products to our customers. We strive to make a positive impact in the communities that we serve – the places where our people and customers live and work. Get more info!

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